Friday, September 25, 2009

There are so many things to do in life. Some are loathsome and some are mundane. Other tasks brighten our lives with color. Lately, I've returned to an old love from the past. Painting.

When I can't get rid of the internal editor that nags and nags in my ear, I've learned to shift my struggles from writing and focus on what's around me. What do I see? What details do I miss when I'm in a rush?

What do you do when you can't seem to write another coherent word? What creative well do you go to that brings new life?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Oh, the Marvelous Wondrous Things You Will Find

I've been jamming at my desk all day. Sadly, not with creative writing. But it has to be done. Let's face it, I can't even think straight with all the stacks of papers on my desk. I've been trying to convince myself that it's my brand of filing system. I know where everything is. Sorta...

After several hours of forced labor, I couldn't take it anymore and strayed from the drudgery. And oh my, the fun things I found on the Internet that carried me away. There are blogs that make you laugh, friends to find on Facebook, Twitter to make you...tweet, and that doesn't even count the interesting facts that you wander upon.

Finally, on a whim, I did a Google Search of my name. There it was. Surprise! In several places! And...and...there was my name, C.C. Wiley, along with, KNIGHT DREAMS. Better book is up on a bookstore website
There it is in all its glory! With the cute little word beside it. BUY!

Whee! I'm all a tingle. If I had wings, I think I'd take off and fly. What a wild feeling to see it come to life.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Learning Curves

This has been a summer of learning curves.

Change of names. Change of titles. Change of lifestyle. Change of diet.
Change of fitness. Change of attitude. Change of plans.

How did all these learning curves come about? It started with a dream.

My first novel, Knight Dreams, comes out in less than a month! When I signed the book contract, I didn’t know it at the time, but a different journey into the writing world had begun. Heck, this was my third completed novel. Surely, it was an easy ride from here. Right?

The first curve I met was the pen name. Do I keep what I’ve known all my life or am I willing to change it just a bit? Either way, I learned there are consequences. You use your real name and everyone can find you. A pen name may allow you anonymity but a price tag hangs from your peace of mind. It reads: Additional Time and Effort Required.

My second curve was agreeing to change the title. Renaming a piece of work that I’ve had in my head for several years takes some getting used to. Hello, who renames their babies?

My publishing editor brought my third set of learning curves. The edits came and went with the speed of hairpin-turns. At times, they left me teary-eyed and frustrated. Other times, I just knew it was right. By the last round, I had learned to hang on, accept or reject the edits and comments, make the changes and meet the deadlines. I cannot always wait upon the creative muse to make an appearance. I must place my butt in the seat, ignore the self-doubt monkey on my shoulder, and write one word at a time.

The fourth set came as a series of long-rolling curves filled with breathtaking peaks and valleys. These are the hardest curves to maneuver and they require a great deal of balance. It is the change of attitude and lifestyle. My free time was now lost in the ocean of trying to do everything at once and not knowing how to do most of it. As my heart raced from anxiety and my hips widened from sitting in front of the computer for hours and hours, I realized I have to shift my balance so that I don’t fall.

I know there are more learning curves up ahead. In fact, I can see them looming as I renovate my attitude about diet and exercise. Although there is a plan forming, I know it will change just as my story plots often change. As long as I keep writing and the learning curves continue, it looks like it’s going to a great journey.

It’s my life between words.